Hey, that’s tomorrow! Sorry for the late post. I have reserved the Spicewood Springs library branch meeting room from 10-11AM Saturday February 23rd. I couldn’t get a weeknight reservation there, but we could work our way around north, central, and south pretty easily for future meetings. We’ll try it and see.
The library has a wireless connection, the meeting room is free, and it can hold up to 85 people. All Austin XO owners, kids, and interested people are welcome. It will definitely be kid friendly, and there may even be cupcakes.
You can check http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XO_Giving/Users#Texas.2C_Austin for updates. RSVP by going to http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Xo-austin and posting an update with the number of people (and XOs) that you’ll
Please also send me ideas for a “theme” for future meetings. This one’s theme will be “communicating”. For example, I just learned that there’s a Jabber server set up for Austin. To set up your XO, open the Terminal activity and type:
sugar-control-panel -s jabber opteron.9grid.us
I read the Dallas-FortWorth meeting notes for ideas and they had a wide variety of activities at their meeting. I also like the idea of showing an emulation of the Sugar interface, because I could display my laptop on an overhead for demonstrations.