Photo courtesy cogdog on flickr
I’ve been needing to update my list of wikis used for technical documentation, to see if the list is growing. Here are a few more technical information wikis. They seem to lean towards the programmer audience and might be used for a repository storage (of code samples).
Knoppix wiki (zero to Linux in Five Minutes)
Ajax patterns (repository for Ajax programmers)
From the blog entry “12 popular wikis that actually work” I harvested these technical topic wikis as well:
Mozillazine Knowledge Base (What a wealth of good practices in wiki writing and content maintenance. Check out their Knowledge Base changes page.)
Opera Browser and Internet Suite wiki
I also have to mention the original, WikiWikiWeb, as a wiki to click through to every once in a while for ideas and a reminder of the original simplicity of wikis.
In other wiki-related news, the PBwiki site has changed their name to PBworks and Stewart Mader had the scoop in his blog entry today, “PBwiki Becomes PBworks; Launches Edition for Law Firms.” I find it interesting that they’ve removed the word wiki. Google Sites did something similar when they acquired JotSpot – they didn’t name it Google Wiki even though collaborative authoring was at the heart of JotSpot’s sweet spot.
And Google Knol, while similar to wiki, is trying a somewhat anti-wiki content model in that multiple articles can exist for the same topic and supposedly the best articles rise to the top to gain the most attention. But Ars Technica’s Nate Anderson points out that traffic is disappointing six months after the launch of Google Knol.
What are some of your favorite technical wikis? I’d love to hear about them.