I’m Anne Gentle, the latest addition to the blogger lineup at talk.bmc.com.
I’m a self-professed geeky information developer, which is merely a fancy term for technical writer. I’m definitely branching out with the blogger job description, but in my mind a blogger is simply a writer with some server technology behind the words, right? I’m based in Austin, Texas, but actually, like the Lyle Lovett song, I’m not from Texas but Texas wants me anyway.
I obtained a chemistry degree for my undergraduate degree, and then I completed a master’s degree at Miami University in Technical and Scientific Communication (MTSC) in December 1995 while working full-time as a graduate student. I am a senior Society for Technical Communication (STC) member (meaning: I re-upped my membership five years in a row and then some) and a few years back, I volunteered as the Advisor for the Miami University Student STC Chapter and was awarded a Distinguished Chapter Service Award for my service there. It’s still hanging on my wall, inspiring me to continue to be enthusiastic, supportive, and give sound advice, because apparently that’s what the students nominated me for. Aw, shucks, thanks guys!
Just this past year, I passed the ten year mark as a technical communicator, and half of that time has been spent at BMC Software. Nearly all gadgets from cell phones to digital SLR cameras to high-tech sewing machines interest me, and I have a special interest in using technology in interesting ways for communication purposes. Blogging definitely fits that interest, and I look forward to exploring some Routes to Value at talk.bmc.com. I write for the Infrastructure and Architecture Management Route to Value, that foundation layer of technology to ensure Business Service Management can work. I’m all about how to put the hype into action.