With the announcement that WordPress now realizes the difference between tags and categories, I’m going through my 34 posts to date and re-tagging them and limiting the categories.
The way I see it with my technical writer lens on, categories are broad general topics and I’m hoping my blog will have about a half dozen categories. Tags, on the other hand, are more like index keywords. So I’m re-reading my posts and trying to define categories very conservatively and carefully, but with tags I’m probably going overboard, approaching it like creating an index on an entire book, using any keyword I can find in the title or the text or the headings and making the keyword a tag.
To avoid being the anti-social taxonomist that I can be sometimes, I will keep an eye on what other people using WordPress.com are using for their tags so I can be like them. Apparently not a lot of folks use “techpubs” for their tagging so I’ll probably start using “technical-writing” instead. Another case-in-point of my tendency to use odd keywords for tags – while Michael Cote uses “thekids” in del.icio.us to bookmark links pertinent to what the Net Generation is doing, I would probably chose to tag mine “tehkidz” because I’m a dork that way.
Twenty-two more posts to go.