I’m eagerly awaiting blog entries and Tweets from DocTrain East – Adam Hyde, the founder of FLOSS Manuals, is presenting about user-generated content (although we’d call it community-generated content I suppose). Subtle difference I’ll have to blog about sometime. I’ve been reading the DocTrain Tweme page at http://twemes.com/doctrain and it looks like everyone is ready and raring to go. Scott Abel has also imbedded the Tweme page on the front page at http://www.doctrain.com/east, cool! I believe a good next step would be to use the cool registration application that was at Austin BarCamp last year – where you “signed in” with your Twitter ID and your arrival was announced to the @BarCampAustin, another cool integration of Twitter and real-world events. Good luck to all the presenters!
I also was reminded how closely education and training and technology go hand in hand – which happens to me often since I’ve been working on the One Laptop per Child documentation. I got a pointer to the T + L Conference (Technology + Learning) which overlaps dates a little bit with DocTrain East – but I also realized that many of the lessons learned from educators could be applied for our profession as well. I’ve been reading through the blog entries at the iQity blog including the virtual science lab post about using virtual simulations to teach science. I still haven’t found many examples of Second Life being used to train people on enterprise software but I suppose it’s a matter of time. The tween and teen kids using the virtual science labs will build training for us in the near future.