I’m so pleased to tell you that my book is available now from Amazon.com and BarnesandNobles.com and for sale in Austin, Texas at BookWoman on North Lamar. Published by XML Press, this book was fun to write, difficult to finish, and a dream come true for me, a kid who read 500 books in a school year in the second grade. I love books and I love this book especially. But I do want to keep improving it with blog entries here and responses to honest and thorough reviews, even negative ones.
This sample chapter is available (by direct PDF download or on Scribd) to start the conversation and I invite you to comment here or on Scribd.
Free Chapter Conversation and Community
If you’re here in Austin, I’m working on scheduling some book signings at local bookstores, and be on the lookout for an invitation to a book release party in the next few months! I want to share my excitement.
And lastly, I have to thank my blog readers – you are collectively loyal, smart, funny, and engaging. I couldn’t have written this book without you.