Seems like more and more I’m writing everywhere but here! I wanted to do a round-up of some of my writing around the web.
On the Rackspace Developer Blog: Austin Ladies Hackathon
This weekend was a blast, hacking with all women at Rackspace, and wow were the projects impressive. Here’s how it went.
Friday night we gathered at a restaurant, the Flying Saucer, to meet each other and start to form teams. I’d guessimate that 20 of the 30 participants showed up. I helped out by facilitating discussions for people to find teams, and I spent a lot of the night talking to complete newcomers about what a hackathon is like, what to expect, and especially how to learn at one. We also recruited for the upcoming NoSQL Mobile App Challenge ( (Read more …)
On the O’Reilly Radar blog: The book sprint: Not just for code any more
Do you really want a technical book for your project? Does your community need to provide more helpful docs to support even more users? Does your community have a lot of knowledge they need to get out of heads and into bits and bytes? Do you have a good mix of technical experts and technical writers and users who would enjoy each other’s company for a week of hard work?
If the answer is yes, then consider a book sprint. (Read more…)
On the blog: The Women of OpenStack talk outreach, education, and mentoring
In the open source world, a women-only event seems counter-intuitive. Yet I am finding reasons for such events the more I attend them.
At the OpenStack Summit, a twice-a-year event where OpenStack contributors get together to plan the next release, the Women of OpenStack group has set up events where we invite the women first. Men aren’t excluded, but our hope is to get more OpenStack women together. I can hardly capture the value of getting together with other women in OpenStack at the Summit, but here goes.(Read more…)