I wore my Google I/O t-shirt the other day while hiking, and realized I hadn’t posted a write up from that developer conference back in May 2015. This year they had a big push towards bringing women to the conference through effective methods. Google has an Android developer community called Women Techmakers, led by Natalie […]
Male allies for women in tech: What’s needed?
I realized the other day that I have given my “Women in Tech: Be That Light” presentation a half a dozen times in the last year. One question that I still want a great answer for is when a man in the audience asks, “What can I do to make it better? How can I […]
Hackathons of Late
I’ve participated in a few hackathons in the past year, since I’ve been working on a team of developer advocates at Rackspace. I wanted to chronicle some of my experiences with a few goals in mind: recording memories for myself, letting others get ideas for the wide range of hackathons, and chronicling the wide variety […]