I attended two days of the WebWorks Roundup here in Austin this week and served on a few panels. I enjoyed signing books as every attendee got copies of books from XML Press. It had featured speakers like Tom Johnson and Stewart Mader as well as sessions with Lisa Dyer and Alan Porter to name […]
Progress on the Conversation and Community book
The final details for my book, Conversation and Community: The Social Web for Documentation, are coming together. Lots of news to report, so here goes. I’m so excited to announce that Eliot Kimber has agreed to use my book for the DITA for Publishers project, taking the content from Adobe InDesign to DITA. Tom Johnson […]
Climb collaboration levels with me in Atlanta

Photo courtesy lollaping I finished my presentation about Climbing the Levels of Collaboration for the Collaboration Institute at the STC Summit and I’m so excited about it I can’t stand it! True confession: I was up until 1:00 AM finishing it up and uploaded it quite late. I found this great collaboration exercise that I’ve […]