I’ve been writing blog entries related to web content, content management, and pretty much anything that catches my eye as related and relevant to web-based goods over at blog.duoconsulting.com. I thought I’d pull a collection together for my blog readers to browse as you wish. “What are you working on?” “On what are you working?” […]
My DMN Communications Podcast Now Available
Scott Nesbitt and Aaron Davis have a great podcast show called Communications with DMN. I love these guys’ “brand of insanity” as Scott puts it. We had a great time talking about wikis, FLOSS Manuals, and the recent One Laptop per Child BookSprint for about an hour. They had prepared at least two pages of […]
FLOSS Manuals BookSprint captured in video

Talk about user-created content. I’ve become a video producer, amateur being the kindest description I can come up with for myself. I haven’t been posting as much lately because I’ve been working on this video to describe FLOSS Manuals and the recent BookSprint. Take a look and let me know what you think. Looking at […]