Here’s a report from the acceptance testing we’ve done to go from Author-it 4.5 to 5.x. I don’t know if anyone else had difficulty understanding the best migration strategy, but I thought I’d talk about my misunderstanding in case it helps others. At one point, we thought it might be a good idea to take […]
Author-it and MadCap Flare comparison
I’ve had more than a few questions asking for a review of Author-it or MadCap Flare or a comparison of both. So I decided to do some homework. Initially, I wasn’t sure why they are categorized together. Is it due to the price point? Or is it due to the single-sourcing all-in-one software package aspect? […]
Author-it Table Of Contents expansion

My co-worker Melissa Burpo (yep, I interviewed her before she was my co-worker) has solved a nagging problem with the HTML output from Author-it. The Table of Contents would always lose your place when you expanded one of the TOC items – instead of “keeping your place” vertically, it scrolls your view to the top […]