At ASI, we’re working on book skeletons while we do task analysis for new documentation or feature updates that may change the way users do their work with iMIS. So, to get early feedback, we wanted a way to publish an outline of that skeleton book with no page numbers, but headings and subheading levels […]
Adding Google Analytics to your Author-it generated HTML pages

I’m learning about Author-it’s HTML templates today, and how to insert Google Analytics code (or any other code, really, such as adding an automatically updating variable for “Last modified by” with user or date information.) But my task today was to insert Google Analytics code. (As a prerequisite note, we already have all our documentation […]
Author-it and converting UTF-16 to UTF-8
In trying to modify multiple Author-it topics (okay, 5,119 topics) with variable assignments, I have had to work with the XML output that Author-it exports. To export to XML, you select a topic or multi-select topics, then right-click on the selection and choose XML > Save to file. Turns out, Author-it outputs its XML encoded […]