Working with the environment setup for DITA I found this DITA Tip-Where to Put Your Files the other day and it’s a nice explanation of not only how to set up the file storage for DITA topics but also an explanation of why it’s convenient and what are the advantages to this set up. I […]
Troubleshooting tip for the DITA Open Toolkit installation
Finally figured out the fix for my DITA Open Toolkit “resource/messages.xml” not found error Thanks to David Brainard for figuring out the basic problem! At BMC, we all have a Documentum client installed on our desktops, so with the 4i client, my Classpath contained C:\Program Files\Documentum\Shared\dfc.jar. Apparently there is a collision of some sort between […]
Learning more about DITA

Learning about how to get started with DITA and a trivia item for fun Jen Linton, the co-author of Introduction to DITA:Getting Started with the Darwin Information Typing Architecture is in Austin to teach the DITA Getting Started workshop hosted by BMC Software. I’m attending along with several of my co-workers, and we’re all learning […]