I’m eagerly awaiting blog entries and Tweets from DocTrain East – Adam Hyde, the founder of FLOSS Manuals, is presenting about user-generated content (although we’d call it community-generated content I suppose). Subtle difference I’ll have to blog about sometime. I’ve been reading the DocTrain Tweme page at http://twemes.com/doctrain and it looks like everyone is […]
Ready for DocTrain West
I’ll be at DocTrain West in Vancouver next Tuesday-Friday moderating the Meet the Bloggers session as well as co-presenting Wiki Roundtripping? Structured Authoring? How Do They Co-Exist? with Stewart Mader. I just put the finishing touches on our Wiki Roundtripping presentation and I have to admit I’m a little excited about it. While much of […]
Lots of tech pubs and content management conferences this fall
For example, the FrameMaker Chautauqua is local to Austin in November There are plenty of tech pubs related conferences to attend this fall. This is by no means a thorough listing but these three have caught my eye recently. There’s the CM Pros Fall 2006 Summit discussing Content Management and the World Enterprise at the […]