Content is king. Your source content can be Word, Frame, or DITA. You can even import convert other formats such as RoboHelp to Word or Frame and go from there. Formats are separate from content and can be customized. Combining content is allowed and even encouraged. Mixed content is just fine. There are great demos […]
Embedding video in your online help
More note taking at sessions at the Quadralay WebWorks Publisher RoundUp. This session is with Stephanie Cottrell Bryant, author of Videoblogging for Dummies. She’s an ePublisher user who embeds video demonstrations of software within online help. Customers love video embedded in the online help. Time saving for them, and no need to attend a training […]
Publish to wikitext with WebWorks – from Word or Frame

I’m attending as many sessions as I can at the Quadralay WebWorks User Conference – called the WebWorks RoundUp. Right now I’m listening to a great demo using WebWorks to publish Word or Frame source files to wikitext. Start with WIF The WebWorks wiki defines WIF as WebWorks Intermediate Format – basically their Document Type […]