While doing some research for LugIron, a startup here in Austin where I serve in an advisory role, I found a slideshow discussing signs of successful community launches by Joe Cothrel, a VP of service at Lithium. Now, what they mean by “community” is a larger than 5,000 person audience, enterprise-type (B2B or B2C focused […]
The “Quick Web” for Technical Documentation

I’m happy to report that my article about using wikis for technical documentation was published last week in the STC Intercom. A PDF my article is available for anyone to download, STC member or STC non-members alike. I’ll be giving a presentation about wikis for technical documentnation to the STC Austin community on Tuesday November […]
Emerging wiki use – now and future wikis
As you might have seen on The Content Wrangler recently, I wrote a response to JoAnn Hackos’ article, Is there a wiki in your future? and Scott Abel chose the title for my special contribution to his site. I think the title of this blog post – Emerging wiki use – now and future wikis […]