When using docs-as-code techniques, writers might hesitate to work with others on content deliverables, and developers might feel they have little to contribute to the documentation. I assert is that no one can know everything, so distribute the workload by writing together just like you collaborate together on code. What about reviews? How do you maintain quality while working […]
Learn Git and GitHub Now with Three Doc Projects
I like to point people to GitHub Pages when they want to learn Git. How about three options for learning Git and GitHub with doc projects?
How Balsamiq Solved Static Site Challenges with Code
Leon Barnard from Balsamiq wrote up a great series of challenges and solutions for the docslikecode.com website. His lessons learned are super helpful for all of us: Challenge #1: Documenting multiple product versions Challenge #2: Adding play/pause to animated GIFs Challenge #3: Giving the list pages a makeover He summarizes the series best in his […]