Email has become a universal conversation mechanism for business to business notification, customer to business communication, you name it. If you’re not doing so already, you can add email links so that readers can send emailed feedback to your technical documentation team. With advanced mailto markup you can automatically enter a subject line, indicate who […]
Author-it Table Of Contents expansion

My co-worker Melissa Burpo (yep, I interviewed her before she was my co-worker) has solved a nagging problem with the HTML output from Author-it. The Table of Contents would always lose your place when you expanded one of the TOC items – instead of “keeping your place” vertically, it scrolls your view to the top […]
A web-form based DITA editor
Could this be the perfect storm for a DITA wiki? Written with just HTML, Javascript, DOM, and CSS, as far as I can tell, DITA Storm is a product that enables web-form-based DITA topic authoring and display. Go check it out, their web site has a lot more content now and you can even request […]