I’ve been asked a few times, why did you write this book? And often it’s paired with, how did you write this book? I think I answer both questions in this interview I just completed with Emmelyn Wang on the stcaustin.org site. Here’s an excerpt, but you can click through to read more. STC Austin: […]
Handout download for Documentation with Blogs, Wikis, and Online Communities

Ah, when I typed the title in the Quick Press book I originally wrote, “Documentation with Blogs, Wiis, and Online Communities.” If only we could write documentation with the haptic Wii controller. Brings a whole new meaning to drag and drop. I’ve uploaded a handout for the presentation that Janet Swisher and I just […]
Climb collaboration levels with me in Atlanta

Photo courtesy lollaping I finished my presentation about Climbing the Levels of Collaboration for the Collaboration Institute at the STC Summit and I’m so excited about it I can’t stand it! True confession: I was up until 1:00 AM finishing it up and uploaded it quite late. I found this great collaboration exercise that I’ve […]