I’m eagerly awaiting blog entries and Tweets from DocTrain East – Adam Hyde, the founder of FLOSS Manuals, is presenting about user-generated content (although we’d call it community-generated content I suppose). Subtle difference I’ll have to blog about sometime. I’ve been reading the DocTrain Tweme page at http://twemes.com/doctrain and it looks like everyone is […]
Notes from April 2008 Central Texas DITA User Group meeting
Better late than never, I suppose. I’ve had these notes on my hard drive and want to post them to the cloud of my blog. John Hunt, DITA Architect in the Lotus Information Development Center at IBM and DITA Learning and Training Content Specialization SC chair, presented Using DITA Content for Learning Content Development at […]
Building a DITA-Wiki Hybrid

The April 2008 issue of the STC Intercom magazine is dedicated to DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture). I’m pleased that the Building a DITA-Wiki Hybrid article that I co-authored with Lisa Dyer and Michael Priestly is available online for free to anyone, STC member or non-member. The article discusses these three ideas for merging DITA […]